Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This picture was taken in the US in 1907.

I've been wanting to write about my opinion of tattoos for a while now. I was going to take this blog in the direction that would be against tattoos but after research the history on tattoos, I want to argue this blog from both points of view, starting with mine. :)

I do not have any tattoos nor do I want any. I did want ONE little one somewhere along my bikini line before I turned 18 but I didn't know what I wanted. So after a few years of not knowing what I wanted I thought to myself, if it is this difficult for me to decide what I want on my body for the rest of my life then it's probably not necessary. On the other hand, a decision like that should be thought about in depth. But it just didn't seem THAT important for me to mind boggled myself about for however long so I decided that I wasn't going to get any tattoos.

Now, that was a like 6 yrs ago so since then I've put more thought into the popular
trend. Why is it so popular? And why is it frowned upon in society?

Tattoos have been around for about 5000 years. With that said, some would argue that they shouldn't be considered a trend because they have stood the test of time. I can agree with that. But I have to say that I believe the difference between cultures that differ from the US is that they put more thought into their body art and they probably have more meaning behind it. Some of you might disagree with my last sentence but if you think about it, you know it's true for the most part. People thousands of years ago and even today in societies that differ from the US's have more meaning and rituals that extend back for centuries that, I guess I could say justify their body art. It means a great deal to them and their families. I find people explaining the reasons that they get tattoos saying things such ass, "There's a story behind every one of my tattoos" which is great. While this may be true for some, I do not believe that it is true for most in the US. I've heard of some people not knowing what they're going to get tattooed on them until the get to the tattoo parlor. I'm not saying this is wrong at all, well yes I am. LOL. Decisions like that just simply aren't smart.

In the US, tattoos also stereotype people as well. One reason I don't understand why people still get them. Tattoos have been associated with having spent time in prison. Who wants to be associated with that population if they're not apart of it? I know it's normal for anyone to have them now but years ago, this is what was thought of someone who had tattoos.

I know one or two in discreet places really isn't a big deal but people today are going to the extreme. For example, face, neck and even hand tattoos are not discreet at all. To me, it's kind of like these people want attention. Not to mention, if tattoos aren't discreet, it could effect your employment options. This amazingly still doesn't stop some people. Why?

Some people call it body art. I'm all for art but why does it have to be on your body permanently? People buy paintings to hang in their houses and it's very possible that they could tire of them after 10 or 20 years, right? So what makes a tattoo any different? Plus, it's PERMANENT! I know they are removable now but that's sort of irrelevant because who gets a tattoo thinking, "Well, if I don't like it then I could go through an even more painful process than getting the tattoo to have it removed." Why get it if you have doubt, right? Right, so that's irrelevant for those of you who were thinking, "It can be removed."

I really did try to argue this blog both ways but I can't anymore. I can only argue it respectfully for the cultures that actually get tattoos for deep meanings which I already have. There is no deep meaning behind even getting your child's face tattooed on you. Don't you have a picture of your child? Why do you need a second picture of the SAME THING on your body? I really find name tattoos humorous. Like, you don't know your name or you want everyone else to know it? If so, why not just wear a name tag? Lol. They do come in handy if a person with a name tattoo is found dead somewhere and their body needs to be identified but then again, so do dental records. Again, WHY?

So we're back to square one; what's the POINT of getting tattoos? I feel like it's just something else to do. It's become a "coming of age" sort of thing now. It's a very popular trend. I just don't get how it became that way. Like why are people so okay with marking their bodies up permanently? I forgot to mention it's a sin. Not the main reason I'm against it, but one of them. Sin has definitely become very normal and accepted but we can repent. But how do you ask for forgiveness for something that's permanent? I'll have to look into that. And I REALLY don't get getting like sleeve tattoos (arm covered in tat's like a "sleeve") and even having one's whole body covered in tattoos. They must really not like their skin.

One last issue is that I don't get how tattoos make men feel more manly or masculine. A man can just be very muscular, he has to have some tattoos to or he's not manly enough. Weird. And yet again, WHY?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against people that have tattoo's. I know it may sound like I am but I'm really not. To each his own. I don't frown upon it at all....for the most part. It honestly just fascinates me because my generation has taken it to a whole new level.



Anonymous said...

I agree I see both sides as to what you are saying. I agree that some people take it to far with the whole body tattoos, but at the same time like you said to each his own. At the same time though a lot of people get tattoos for centamental reasons, and it might not be so big to other people as to why they got that tattoo. For example: I have a friend that as you mentioned that has a picture of her daughter tattooed on her. An the reason for that tattoo was cause her daughter died shortly after birth and she got it done to always have her daughter with her. Yes she has a few pics from when her daughter was born but she felt doing so would make her daughter closer to her. With saying that would everyone truely understand why she got it? No but it is very special to her. I myself have 2 tattoos and for me they have there own special reason. Now I agree people who are like hey I'm going to get a tattoo today and go and get the first one they see and you ask them about it and there like oh I wanted one. I feel people like that years down the road might regret getting what they got for just a spur of the moment kinda thing. An sure it is a sin but so are so many things that we as people do. Examples: drinking, smoking, peircings, stealing, murder and so many more. Yes you can repent but just like tattoos some of them are permanent as well.

Bre said...

I agree with everything you said. I guess it just irritates me when ppl get tats for stupid reasons. I feel as if ppl should have a great reason to get one. If not, it's just dumb to me. Like they're just following what everyone else is doing which is very idiotic to me. Thx so much for ur input tho! :)

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