Sunday, November 25, 2018

Do you think the Justice System is fair?

I know many of us don't trust the system or believe that it's flawed or corrupt. Basically that it's unfair. And many people even believe that the American Justice System is set up for blacks to fail. And I agreed with you all 100%. But not every part of it is flawed. Right? I don't think every part is flawed. I think there are different flaws in each case. I honestly do believe that the concept of the justice system is as fair as it can be. But could anything be changed to make it more fair?

Image result for justice system images
They start off by saying that one is innocent until proven guilty. This may not be true in a lot of cases but that is apart of the concept believe it or not. But let's say, for example, that the defendant in a murder trial has hundreds of tattoos. The jurors image of this person is immediately tainted from the second he/she walks in the court room. Therefore, this person, in at least one of the jurors mind, is not 100% completely innocent and they haven't even heard a word about the case yet. I'm not saying this is every case or even most cases. Just that it's VERY possible and I'm SURE it has happened before. So maybe the jurors should be blindfolded? Sometimes cases do have blind juries. First impressions matter A LOT. I'm sure you've heard about lawyers advising their clients to dress a certain way and/or wear their hair up etc. It's just hard for one person, let alone 12, to block out preconceived notions that they've developed about society throughout their lifetime. And this is either used to a defendants advantage or used against he/she. 

Next, the person is allowed to get a lawyer. This part is somewhat unfair from the get go because the more money you have, the better lawyer you will get. Your lawyer has the opportunity to basically make you look like an angel to the jury. Then there's the jury selection. This is as fair as it can be in my mind. I like that it's a random group of strangers to prevent a group of like minded individuals. The defendants lawyer gets to question a pool of jurors to figure out their mentality to see if they're a good fit to potentially find their client not guilty. Next is the lawyer(s) finding witnesses, which include character witnesses, to anyone that was present etc. and figuring out the right questions to ask them while they're under oath and to also prepare whoever they put on the stand for the potential questions the prosecutor will ask during cross examination. All of this is to basically make the jury think of reasonable doubt or that the defendant is innocent. But why the number 12? 12 random strangers. I'd NEVER want 12 random people deciding my fate. But I guess that's what your lawyer is there for. To convince them BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that you're innocent. And I also like the phrase "Beyond a reasonable doubt". But, even that phrase isn't used in every case like it should be.  Evidence is very important. May it be, video of the crime, DNA of any sort, weapons of any sort etc. Sad to say but, evidence can be planted or lost or switched which is apart of the corruption aspect.

Now, the first actual thing the lawyer does in the court room is have an opening statement professing his/her clients innocence or the specific reason why his/her client commit the crime. And the lawyer better be good and knowledgeable about when to object. The lawyer in Treyvon Martin's case wasn't allowed in the courtroom during the entire trial, so his second in command was in charge and fail to call a lot of objections resulting in George Zimmerman being proven not guilty. The last thing about the lawyers job is his/her closing statement which is super important because it's the last thing that the jury will get to hear about the case at all before they deliberate.

During the entire trial, everything matters. The defendants composure matters so much. How they walk in and out, what they wear, what they're looking towards etc. Their behavior in the courtroom is basically on trial too. The defendants lawyers relationship with the judge matters somewhat as well. That's not talked about much but the judge may know things about the lawyer for example, what type of defendants to take on and represent. So that matters. I'm just gonna throw this out there but how the defendants family and other support in the court room behave and look maybe matter as well.

Last but most definitely not least, there is the judge. Now, if the judge is corrupt, it's over before it even begins. To me, the judge is the most crucial part of the justice system. Judges are supposed to use their discretion in every case. But, judges sometimes get paid to send as many people to jail as they can because that means money and free labor in the prisons. Believe it or not, the justice system is a huge cash cow. Everything is quadruple price in the jails. A dollar bag of popcorn is $4 in jail. Our country makes so much money off of jails and prisons in this country it's ridiculous. Some say prisoners live better than some people outside of jail and definitely better than homeless individuals. The subject of jails is a whole other blog topic (haha) but some judges decision is swayed one way or another because of the money aspect of it.

All in all, is fair and unfair. I believe it's more unfair than fair because of the corruption, individuals being judged off of more than the evidence and what type of lawyer a person can afford.

Welp, those are my thoughts! I'd love to hear yours whether you agree or disagree!


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Would our Black ancestors be proud?

With it being Black History month, I've been doing a lot of thinking about the black race. I hope this doesn't come out as being all over the place because I have a lot to say.

Two of the top trending topics in the US on twitter this week were #RatchetJeopardy and #GhettoJeopardy. Initially, reading the tweets was humorous until I read one tweet in particular and it rubbed me the wrong way. The tweet read, "A black mans weakness." Most of the answers I read were, "What is reading out loud." Now, I know for a fact that I can look back 3 generations in my ancestry and find that at least one (if not more) of my 8 great-grandparents did not finish high school. Some may not have even finished junior high. That's not that long ago! My train of thought is basically that there's a reason why blacks reading levels aren't as high as our counterparts. To me, it's just sad that this is funny to us. I also read that in some inner cities schools, blacks participating in class and actually trying to learn is referred to as "acting white" by other blacks and/or minorities. This is absolutely mind blowing to me. That's probably the most ignorant thing I've heard in my life. 

All of this just makes me think about how our ancestors would feel about our black community today. For instance, the whole "acting white" scenario. Our slave ancestors weren't even allowed to learn AT ALL! I would assume that they'd be furious that we have books and teachers right in our faces and refuse learn to because we've categorized it as "acting white". Even with the #RatchetJeopardy and #GhettoJeopardy trending topics on twitter, why are we degrading ourselves this way for the world to see? Also, a new thing is recording fights and posting them online. Again, why are we doing this to ourselves? I know our ancestors didn't fight for our freedom for us to behave like this. 

Another thing that I despise about our black community are people making a career out of living off of the system. I know that it is necessary sometimes for some people. I also know that we do have to overcome a lot of odds. Some of which are that we are a minority and that 67% of our households are single-parent. I do understand that we are going against all odds BUT there's NO reason why some of us should be abusing the system for a lifetime. No excuse whatsoever. We always want to blame the white man or blame society which I do agree with TO A CERTAIN EXTENT. But from everything I've written so far, aren't we the blame more than anything else? We are beating ourselves! We are the only race that has crime against each other. We have the famous bloods and crips gangs in LA. What other race has gangs against each other?! Even in the 90's with the East and West coast rappers feud that ended in Biggie and TuPacs deaths. What was the point of feuding?! Shouldn't they have been proud of each other and supporting each other because they all made it?! I guess not. We are beating ourselves and killing each other. That doesn't make since AT ALL! We haven't engraved in our minds that we have to try to be better, HELP EACH OTHER, not put each other down or kill one another. I feel like a lot of us give up before we even try. What's the point of even living then? Some of us still have that slave mentality. Only we can get ourselves out of it. 

I don't want to be completely negative toward the black community. I just know that we should be doing better and we only have ourselves to blame. There are tons of thing that we're good at though. For example, sports, music, comedy, acting etc. We have entertainment down pact. We have a ton of scholarly blacks. One is our President. I just have a problem with more of us going to jail than college. I feel very fortunate to have my bachelors degree and am making moves towards pursing my law degree. I feel I have made my ancestors proud and hope to keep doing so. 

We need to do better. Point. Blank. Period. 


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The importance of Family

I haven't really thought this topic through so I'm kind of venting/winging it but I do feel very strongly about it and I've also read a lot about it through out my life so I hope you all enjoy it.

Some of my pet peeves are when men and women say they don't need a man or a woman. Or that they don't need love and how much my generation LOOOVES being single. I hate that crap. Like who wants to be ALONE??? I know i don't. I understand people don't want bad relationships but who does?!? It's like so you're telling me that you want to go home to an empty home for the rest of your life sleeping in a cold bed, have sex with multiple partners with no real connection with anyone for the rest of your life?? Really dude?? I sincerely believe if everyone thought more into this topic, their minds would change.

First of all, MEN AND WOMEN DO NEED EACH OTHER. Without one another we wouldn't be here! Now, your man/woman shouldn't be your entire life. I know what some people mean when they say that they don't need a man or woman to define them. Very understandable. But your wife/husband will be your partner in life so in a way, you define each other. Y'all are a team. And this person should be your BEST friend. You 2 should enjoy each others company at least 80% of the time. Because when the kids are grown and gone, it'll only be you two. This person should also be a tad more important to you than your own children as well. I know this sounds insane but like I said, when your children are grown and gone, if you're more attached to them than you are your spouse, you and your spouse might not survive without them around. And of course have GREAT communication and trust for one another. Yes, sex is important but not as important as communication and trust. But almost as important. Lol. Sex dies out when you like idk between the ages of 65 and 75 probably earlier than that. You surely won't have the drive for it at age 50 that you do now. So other things will become more important then, like enjoying each other. I know some of you are thinking, "I thought this was about family!". Lol. It is but family starts with the parents and if they don't have a decent relationship, that could set the children and possibly grandchildren etc etc up for some problems later in life.

Ok so when you and your spouse do decide to have children try to ALWAYS be there for your children. And ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS put your family first. If anything comes before your family, your family will most definitely suffer. I know this may sound easy but so many parents don't. Including mine. My parents NON parenting skills is actually the reason why I'm writing this blog. I'm so fed up with them. They are HORRIBLE parents and that's putting it lightly. Anyways, children NEED love. Unconditional love. A couple of facts I know off the top of my head are that learning starts in the womb and that everything a child sees, hears, learns etc in the first 5 years of his life will make for the person he'll be for his entire life. Crazy huh? But between the ages of 0 and 5 is when the child's brain is growing the most. So they literally are soaking up everything like a sponge. I seriously can't stress how important love is though to children and to everyone. If you're not affectionate, you need to learn to be with your children. That's important. They need hugs and kisses and to sit close to their parents and maybe even sleep in the same bed with their parents. Eating together is also important for young kids especially. It's important when they're older too to keep the family close and a time for the family to associate with one another but younger children need to learn how to eat right and they learn from watching Mommy and Daddy eat. That's also how the try new foods and figure out what they like.

Families should also do things together...often. Doesn't really matter what it is. Board games, movie night, go out to the movies or putt putt. Anything will work. You have to enjoy being around each other. I know all of this sounds like a job but it shouldn't feel like one. Families should love each other naturally and want to do things with each other. Everything that I am writing should come naturally to every family but it doesn't and it's increasing diminishing all the time as more parents put their jobs first, friends first, clubbing first etc. Whatever it may be. I just know I've been noticing how more people are putting other things before their family. Hence, the rise in more problems in the entire country. Children go out and look for love in all the wrong places which may be the min reason why my generation wants to remain single. Something to think about.

All in all, family is super important. And the way we treat our family is even more important. We all NEED love. Love is one of the only 3 things that lasts AFTER death. The other 2 are hope and faith. But love is pretty powerful and I know I want it in my life. No, we don't physically need it but, we do mentally. Our brain is very important so I think it's a good idea to give it what it needs. I do believe some people that were never married and alone die at a younger age than people that were happily married in love. I know you all have noticed how when an old couples spouse dies, the other dies soon after. That speaks for itself. If everyone did have a happy loving family and focussed their lives around that rather than other things, I know everyone would be MUCH happier and the world would be a better place! I know I'm dreaming. Lol.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This picture was taken in the US in 1907.

I've been wanting to write about my opinion of tattoos for a while now. I was going to take this blog in the direction that would be against tattoos but after research the history on tattoos, I want to argue this blog from both points of view, starting with mine. :)

I do not have any tattoos nor do I want any. I did want ONE little one somewhere along my bikini line before I turned 18 but I didn't know what I wanted. So after a few years of not knowing what I wanted I thought to myself, if it is this difficult for me to decide what I want on my body for the rest of my life then it's probably not necessary. On the other hand, a decision like that should be thought about in depth. But it just didn't seem THAT important for me to mind boggled myself about for however long so I decided that I wasn't going to get any tattoos.

Now, that was a like 6 yrs ago so since then I've put more thought into the popular
trend. Why is it so popular? And why is it frowned upon in society?

Tattoos have been around for about 5000 years. With that said, some would argue that they shouldn't be considered a trend because they have stood the test of time. I can agree with that. But I have to say that I believe the difference between cultures that differ from the US is that they put more thought into their body art and they probably have more meaning behind it. Some of you might disagree with my last sentence but if you think about it, you know it's true for the most part. People thousands of years ago and even today in societies that differ from the US's have more meaning and rituals that extend back for centuries that, I guess I could say justify their body art. It means a great deal to them and their families. I find people explaining the reasons that they get tattoos saying things such ass, "There's a story behind every one of my tattoos" which is great. While this may be true for some, I do not believe that it is true for most in the US. I've heard of some people not knowing what they're going to get tattooed on them until the get to the tattoo parlor. I'm not saying this is wrong at all, well yes I am. LOL. Decisions like that just simply aren't smart.

In the US, tattoos also stereotype people as well. One reason I don't understand why people still get them. Tattoos have been associated with having spent time in prison. Who wants to be associated with that population if they're not apart of it? I know it's normal for anyone to have them now but years ago, this is what was thought of someone who had tattoos.

I know one or two in discreet places really isn't a big deal but people today are going to the extreme. For example, face, neck and even hand tattoos are not discreet at all. To me, it's kind of like these people want attention. Not to mention, if tattoos aren't discreet, it could effect your employment options. This amazingly still doesn't stop some people. Why?

Some people call it body art. I'm all for art but why does it have to be on your body permanently? People buy paintings to hang in their houses and it's very possible that they could tire of them after 10 or 20 years, right? So what makes a tattoo any different? Plus, it's PERMANENT! I know they are removable now but that's sort of irrelevant because who gets a tattoo thinking, "Well, if I don't like it then I could go through an even more painful process than getting the tattoo to have it removed." Why get it if you have doubt, right? Right, so that's irrelevant for those of you who were thinking, "It can be removed."

I really did try to argue this blog both ways but I can't anymore. I can only argue it respectfully for the cultures that actually get tattoos for deep meanings which I already have. There is no deep meaning behind even getting your child's face tattooed on you. Don't you have a picture of your child? Why do you need a second picture of the SAME THING on your body? I really find name tattoos humorous. Like, you don't know your name or you want everyone else to know it? If so, why not just wear a name tag? Lol. They do come in handy if a person with a name tattoo is found dead somewhere and their body needs to be identified but then again, so do dental records. Again, WHY?

So we're back to square one; what's the POINT of getting tattoos? I feel like it's just something else to do. It's become a "coming of age" sort of thing now. It's a very popular trend. I just don't get how it became that way. Like why are people so okay with marking their bodies up permanently? I forgot to mention it's a sin. Not the main reason I'm against it, but one of them. Sin has definitely become very normal and accepted but we can repent. But how do you ask for forgiveness for something that's permanent? I'll have to look into that. And I REALLY don't get getting like sleeve tattoos (arm covered in tat's like a "sleeve") and even having one's whole body covered in tattoos. They must really not like their skin.

One last issue is that I don't get how tattoos make men feel more manly or masculine. A man can just be very muscular, he has to have some tattoos to or he's not manly enough. Weird. And yet again, WHY?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against people that have tattoo's. I know it may sound like I am but I'm really not. To each his own. I don't frown upon it at all....for the most part. It honestly just fascinates me because my generation has taken it to a whole new level.


Friday, October 15, 2010

Cold weather DOESN'T cause colds or the flu. Read what DOES cause colds and the flu.

I stumbled across this while googling something else. This misconception of this subject has always annoyed me til death. I hate when people say things like, "You better bundle up before you catch a cold." I'd be in the background screaming, "You don't catch colds from being cold!" Lol. I hope you all learn something from this article that I stole from 

Question: Does Cold Weather Cause the Cold or Flu?

This question has probably been asked since the first time the flu made someone sick. After all, cold and flu season occurs when the weather is cold, so there must be a connection, right? Well, not quite. No matter how many times your mother and grandmother told you not to go out in the cold because you would catch a cold or the flu, it just doesn’t work that way.


The truth is, the flu and the common cold are caused by viruses. People get sick more often in the winter because they are exposed to each other more in the winter than in the summer. When it is cold outside, people tend to stay inside and are more likely to spread germs to one another. Also, because school is in session, kids are around each other all day and are not afraid to share their germs. With so many people in such close contact, the likelihood of passing germs is much higher when it is cold outside than when it is warm and people are outdoors. There is also evidence now that viruses spread more easily through dry air. When it is cold outside, the air is drier both outdoors and inside (where people have their heaters on) which may make it easier for germs to pass from one person to another. But it is not the cold weather that causes the cold, it just might make it easier to spread the virus.
In tropical areas, where it does not get cold, the common cold and flu season generally occurs during the rainy season. But again, these illnesses are not caused by the rain. They are just more prevalent because people come in closer contact with each other than they do during the dry season.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Why Did You Make Me Black Lord ....


Why Did You Make Me Black Lord ....

Lord .... Why did you make me black?
Why did you make someone
the world would hold back?

Black is the color of dirty clothes,
of grimy hands and feet...
Black is the color of darkness,
of tired beaten streets...

Why did you give me thick lips,
a broad nose and kinky hair?
Why did you create someone
who receives the hated stare

Black is the color of the bruised eye
when someone gets hurt...
Black is the color of darkness,
black is the color of dirt.

Why is my bone structure so thick,
my hips and cheeks so high?
Why are my eyes brown,
and not the color of the sky?

Why do people think I'm useless?
How come I feel so used?
Why do people see my skin
and think I should be abused?

Lord, I just don't understand...
What is it about my skin?
Why is it some people want to hate me
and not know the person within?

Black is what people are "Labeled"
when others want to keep them away...
Black is the color of shadows cast...
Black is the end of the day.

Lord you know my own people mistreat me,
and you know this just ain't right...
They don't like my hair, they don't like my
skin, as they say I'm too dark or too light!

Lord, don't you think
it's time to make a change?
Why don't you redo creation
and make everyone the same?

GOD's Reply:

Why did I make you black? 

I made you in the color of coal
from which beautiful diamonds are formed...
I made you in the color of oil,
the black gold which keeps people warm.

Your color is the same as the rich dark soil
that grows the food you need...
Your color is the same as the black stallion and
panther, Oh what majestic creatures indeed!

All colors of the heavenly rainbow
can be found throughout every nation...
When all these colors are blended,
you become my greatest creation!

Your hair is the texture of lamb's wool,
such a beautiful creature is he...
I am the shepherd who watches them,
I will ALWAYS watch over thee!

You are the color of the midnight sky,
I put star glitter in your eyes...
There's a beautiful smile hidden behind your pain...
That's why your cheeks are so high!

You are the color of dark clouds
from the hurricanes I create in September...
I made your lips so full and thick,
so when you kiss...they will remember!

Your stature is strong,
your bone structure thick to withstand the
burden of time...
The reflection you see in the mirror,
that image that looks back,..that is MINE!

So get off your knees,
look in the mirror and tell me what you see?
I didn't make you in the image of darkness...
I made you in the image of ME!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why women SHOULDN'T work

I know many of you think that a woman should be college educated and have a full time career to help support herself and her family which to us, doesn't sound horrible because we think the way that society wants us to think.

I want to throw a few facts out there for you all won't think that I'm just talking out of my ass. First of all, the BIOLOGICAL best age for women's bodies to bear healthy children and remain healthy after birth is 19. I know you all probably think that that's super young and what would a 19 yr old do w/ a baby but that is how society is set up for us to think . It's designed for us women to put off having children until we've graduated from college and got our career and finances under control. And by the time we've got all of that under control, we're in our 30's. Sooo many more health risks for ourselves (women) and our unborn children come in effect in our 30's. I've also read about a lot of women who do do it the way society wants it to be done end up NOT having children because they aren't young or as fertile anymore. One prime example of this is Oprah Winfrey. There are a lot more "Oprah's" in the world; they just aren't famous. Another thing that needs to be thought about is how many children are desired. If a couple wants 3 children by the time they're I don't know...30, they should start by the age of 23 or 24. I also don't know if anyone else but me has noticed that celebrities are waiting longer to have children as well these days because they are obviously putting their careers first. That's the rumored reason why Brad Pitt left Jennifer Aniston who still has no children. Kourtney Kardashian just had her first child at the age of 31 I believe and Kim Kardashian is 2 years younger than her and has no children. Beyonce is 29; no children. Tyra Banks; no children. Janet Jackson; no children. Halle Berry just had her first child at the age of 40 I believe. The list goes on.

Another fact that society has sort of made easier for working mothers is breast feeding. Nursing mothers are supposed to breast around 6-10 times a day if not more. How is a working mother supposed to accomplish that?! Oh yea! Society has made formula for that dilemma to disappear. Smh. I had a health class in college my junior year and I learned that children are supposed to be breast fed until they are 4 years old! I know some of you are thinking, "That's so old!" But once again, that's what society wants you to think. The research of breast milk being healthier and also the fact that children who are breast fed are smarter than those who are not should speak for itself. And guess what?? It's cheaper because IT'S FREE! A prime example of someone who was breast fed until he was 4 is Michael Jordan. You've heard of him right? Lol. Need I say more??

The biggest fact of all that stood out to me and almost made want to get knocked up immediately was the fact that young women have more energy and patience with their children as opposed to older women who don't have as much patience and most definitely don't have a ton of energy to play with their children and grandchildren. I read up about this on a website. I don't know about other women but I want to be super involved w/ my children and grandchildren. I want to be able to play basketball w/ them in the driveway and go swimming with them etc. I want to listen to their every little problem. I don't want to be the older mother that just wants them to get out of my face. You know? There were comments from every different age mother possible on this website and the ONLY problem that the younger women felt was a problem enough to speak about was money. Now, don't get me wrong; a steady amount of income is needed to raise a family (in todays society) BUT you don't need to be rich. And money wouldn't make other problems go away. I've heard that it actually brings more. And it damn sure won't bring happiness so I don't want to put too much emphasis on money because it's not THAT important. I know some people that live in poverty but are happier than a rich person could dream of but that's a different blog topic. ;) But on the contrary, women who had a stable income obviously didn't have to worry about money but for some, it was harder to conceive and they talked about being tired a lot because of them being older. I believe a few even said that they wished they could have had their children earlier. Some did say that since technology is reaching new highs every year w/ procedures such as in vitro fertilization that they didn't think conceiving would be all that hard later in life. They thought wrong.

Bottom line, women are putting their careers before their families. Does that sound right?! Even if the children aren't born yet, women are STILL putting their careers before their families. Why is it everyone's plan to give 30+ years to some company, that probably doesn't care too much about them, and hardly ever spend time w/ their families?! Beats me. But ONCE AGAIN, that's what society WANTS us all to do. And not being present enough in your children's lives sets them up for even more problems throughout life and who would want the system raising their children anyways? Us women should want to raise our children. I'm just so against the way we people are "supposed" to live. I'm ready to live on a farm and live happily ever after. Lol. All of these pressures from society on how everything is "supposed" to be done would vanish. I'll find a way around this storm though. All in all, there are pros and cons to both but in my opinion, there are more pros than cons to having your children young. Plus the pros are more rewarding to the mother's and the children. If biology can't show you all that women AREN'T supposed to work and are supposed to raise their children while her husbands provide for them all, I don't know what will. Until next time folks... Sianara.

A lot of things were controlled in this blog. For example, the father actually being in the picture and being a good father/husband. That wasn't my point. I just wanted to talk about the pros and cons of when children should be had ASSUMING that the mother is w/ the father. Today's men is also a different blog topic.

Again, I'd REALLY APPRECIATE if you all would comment. I don't know it all. ANY AND ALL input even if it's against what my view is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance. :)

Do you think the Justice System is fair?

I know many of us don't trust the system or believe that it's flawed or corrupt. Basically that it's unfair. And many people eve...